Daily Habits to Boost Self-Confidence

Are you ready to make change and to achieve the goals you’ve always dreamed of?

Are you ready to achieve the success that you deserve in life?

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to appear more confident than others?

There is a belief that people are born with self-confidence as a trait. However, there is research that proves that it is possible to train your brain to feel more self-confident. Following these steps will help you to feel better and to gain the confidence you deserve.

  1. Take inventory on your self talk & use mindfulness

    • Self-confidence begins with how you think about yourself. It is very common today for folks to have a stream of negative thought that they are tuning into in their mind, so you are not alone here. However, this is controllable. We treat the negative stream of self doubt with CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, in sessions.

    • “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Training yourself to notice the thoughts that create your behaviors will help you to notice whether these thoughts are negative or positive. The first step to build self-confidence is to identify these thoughts.

    • Often, people don’t change until the pain to remain the same outweighs the pain to change. Do not be this person!! Take inventory on the way you see yourself, and begin to gain back the control you deserve! If you struggle here, CBT can really foster improvement in sessions.

  2. Set SMART goals - to be sure your goals are SMART, the following acronym

    • Specific - Your goals are direct, detailed, and meaningful

    • Measurable - Your goals are quantifiable to track progress or success

    • Attainable - Your goals are realistic and you have the tools and/or resources to attain it

    • Relevant - Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives

    • Time bound - Your goals have a definite deadline

  3. Pay attention to how you present yourself- including your posture

    • Take a moment to look in the mirror before you begin each day, and notice the things you love about yourself. Quickly change the thought patterns if any negativity comes into your mind. Change your channel by noticing what you love. You have the power to gain back that love you had for yourself just by simply smiling at in the mirror and noticing happiness. These small activities can actually improve your day, because it teaches us to not only gain back control of our lives, but to live in a state of gratitude. Always remember to say at least 1-3 positive affirmations about yourself when you do look in the mirror.

    • For the rest of your day, practice a straight posture, and keep in mind how powerful your smile is.

  4. Don’t compare yourself to others.

    • You are unique, and beautiful for it. It can be easy to see that others may have life easier than you do—however, do not fall into this trap. If you think of an iceberg, what you are seeing in others is just the tip. In fact, 80% is not seen of that iceberg-or other person-therefore, we cannot really see what goes on inside another. Our analysis of others, most of the time, then, is flawed. What you see, of the tip of the iceberg (or the visible 20% of others) is the success, but what you do not see is what it takes that person to reach that point.

    • To balance this out, a great daily practice is to focus on your SMART goals, as stated in point 2 here.

  5. Conquer your fears of failing

    • All of us have fears, so you are not alone. Fears are experienced as a feeling of anxiety. There may be a rational reason as to why you are afraid. However, in some circumstances our fears become a bad habit, or a negative thought pattern in our lives. What we need to do if we develop these thought patterns is to begin to realize whether our thoughts/fears are rational or irrational. Sometimes it takes a professional therapist to walk you through your possible solutions.


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